Jude's World

My name is Jude and i am 11 years old.Im in America right now

Friday, September 22, 2006

I did some poems as part of my schoolwork do you want to hear them?

The fruit people.
Mr banana.

Mr banana goes to the disco,
oh Mr banana don't go to the disco!
He stumbles across the little brick road,
He gets there but doesn't know the code!
They let him in there anyway
Guess why,
he didn't come back that day!!!

Mrs grape

Mrs grape was married to banana,
"what's happened to the children's father?"
She heard the news about the disco,
so she ran off to the disco.
don't be silly Mrs grape
you are going totally ape!
She stumbles down the little brick road,
but she didn't know the code.
They let her in anyway,
not one came out but her that day!!!


  • At 11:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    there once was a girl called jude
    who put me a a very good mood

    what do you think jude?

    not as good as yours but still very good!!!

  • At 11:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That is a really cool poem jude! Very upbeat and groovy! Especially the way you say it when you read it aloud.
    Love you,

  • At 5:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Keep up the photography Steve, you won't make it as a poet, but you knowit!

    Hey Jude! fruity poems, quite sweet and delicious.


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